Morning Announcements
In 1975, Junko Tabei became the first woman to reach the summit of Mount Everest. It wasn't an easy climb in many respects - Junko faced criticism for leaving her young daughter at home as she set off for Nepal, as part of the first all-female climbing team to be awarded a permit to climb the world's highest peak. News of her astounding feat of human endurance made headlines around the world and Tabei came to stand as a symbol for women's empowerment and challenging female stereotypes. This message was brought to you by the ERASE Club in honor of Women's History Month.
Do you love sweet treats and baked goods? If so, come to the TSA Bake Sale on Thursday, March 27 and Friday, March 28 outside the cafeteria during both lunch periods. Hope to see you all there.
There will be an FBLA meeting this Thursday, March 27th at 7:45 AM in the cafeteria. All members should plant to attend. See you then!
Poets' Corner will meet on Thursday morning, March 27th, at 7:45 AM in room 106. Join us, everyone is welcome. Start your day with some poetry!
Attention freshman- our cookie dough sale has started and is running until the start of April. Please make sure to get a brochure from any officer, advisor, or your history teacher. Ten percent of your orders will go directly to your prom bid! See Mrs. Ianco or Ms. Michals with questions.
Attention any underclassman interested in playing football in the fall, there will be a Meet the Coach meeting tomorrow, March 26th at 7pm in the theater. Parents and players welcome!
Whippany Park would like to wish Oriana Cela and Stephanie Chan a Happy Birthday today.
The word of the day is obfuscate (aab·fuh·skayt) (verb) - render unclear; bewilder someone.